
#1 Reason To Schedule Posts

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posting ahead, scheduling blog posts, no internet accessHi all! I absolutely love writing now and again for The Friendly Blogger. I hope you all are gaining a lot from Ivan and are showing him some TFB love 🙂

Today, I learned something. Well, I knew this before, but learned the hard way today. Technically, yesterday was the lesson. Schedule posts ahead of time! Let me explain.

#1 Reason To Schedule Posts

We all know the weather has been wreaking havoc in many places. Fortunately, my area has not been hit too hard, albeit forty days of rain and thunder. However, yesterday, the big severe thunderstorm came. And with a fury I might add.

I had planned on updating this blog as well as completing some freelance stuff for other bloggers. Not to be. The storm came, lightening cracked and BAM! just like that, no power.

Since a large area was without power, electric company said it was going to be awhile without any power. What the heck am I gonna do now?!

I had no internet access and was not able to update some blogs and meet deadlines. Hmmmm, this could have been avoided if I would take my own advice and schedule posts ahead of time.

So, the #1 reason to schedule posts? No power. No access to the internet. I was beginning to panic. I don’t like that panic feeling and the knowledge that I was going to miss deadlines made me sick.

Luckily, I could email from my handy dandy android device, but all I could tell clients was bare with me. If I would have written up a few posts for each person and scheduled them. we would have no issues. But that was not the case.I can tell you from here on out that WILL BE the case.

Thankfully, all persons involved were pretty understanding, but imagine if they had been crappy about it? I would have not only lost money, but a client and referral business. Not a pretty picture.

So, I am not saying you need to write 2 weeks worth of posts, but you need to ask yourself, what happens if you have no access for a couple of days? You need to make sure your blog business can operate and continue on in the event this happens to you.

And…if you have clients or freelance jobs like I do, plan ahead. Don’t just meet your deadline, exceed it. Get the job done a few days early if at all possible. This will eliminate any issues that arise with power, uploading, or tech issues. I really am going to take my own advice here. I did not like the feeling of having no control.

Yes, I could have gone somewhere else and used someones computer, but what a hassle. All my stuff is on MY machine and I likes it that way 🙂

So, from here on out….I will be adjusting my time management skills. Rather, sharpening them. I will devote a few hours to writing posts per blog, instead of a few hours writing one post per blog. This will allow more time for other necessities and get me ahead of the game…..which in turn frees up time!

Do you schedule posts ahead and how many?




Comments (4)

  • Lisa,

    It’s amazing how a lack of power (or internet connection) can really mess with you internet business.

    Although, I have the best of intentions to schedule posts, it seems that ‘I’m peddling as fast as I can’ just to get the posts I do have up with some regularity.

    Scheduling is definitely something I will do prior to taking a vacation this July.


    Suzy Weiss
    Divorced Women Dating
    “Practical Steps For Finding Love After 40”

  • Lisa,

    How’s the electricity at your place?

    Well said about scheduled posting. I also schedule for posting on regular basis – just in case something goes wrong.

    Another good approach is to have copies of your articles “in the cloud” – sign up with Box.net or DropBox.com and store your important files over there for free (unless you store humongous amount of files – you need to pay a monthly fee.) This way, when things goes wrong, your articles are sitting there safely.

  • That is so true. I have 6 scheduled right now across all my blogs. I have mine set up to schedule at least 2 posts a week. I try to post every day, but that way there are at least two posts set to go out in case I don’t show up for some reason.

    This is a good tip, and more people should utilize it. it becomes even more important when running multiple blogs.


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