Density histogram of the serum creatinine concentration with a probability density function (red curve). Буланов, А.Ю. Суворов, О.Б. Блюсс, Д.Б. Мунблит, А.А. What is inferential statistics in simple words? Inferential statistics is the practice of using sampled data to draw conclusions or make predictions about a larger sample data sample or population. Vulnerability of human…
Key tools include ratio analysis, trend analysis, horizontal and vertical analysis, and more complex techniques like regression analysis and scenario planning. The process of estimating what a business is worth is a major component of financial analysis, and professionals in the meaning of financial analysis industry spend a great deal of time building financial models…
Відомий художній музей береже колекцію російського, українського й західноєвропейського мистецтва XVII — початку XX ст. (ікони, парсуни, народні картини, портрети, краєвиди, жанрові картини), радянського й сучасного українського мистецтва. Промисловість продовжувала розвиватись і у 1930-ті місто перетворилось на потужний індустріальний центр. Залишити відповідь ”, “стендап у Дніпрі” та “куди сходити на 8 березня? ” – на допомогу приходить…
Having taken you through some basic steps leading up to smart blogging in the Smart Blogger’s Checklist Part 1, it is now time to tell you a little bit about the practicalities of building a blog, growing your readership, building visibility as a blogger and developing quality content for your blog. Here’s how…. Post, Publish…
Do you blog hard or blog smart? To enjoy anything, one must not and should never regard it as a chore and this applies to blogging too. So if you blog hard then stop!!!! You need to start blogging smart! Smart blogging is an extension of the 80/20 rule wherein 80% of results that you…
You are ready to take the plunge in to blogosphere, raring to go with oodles of enthusiasm and lots of ideas? You know you have a lot to offer your readers and are about to launch your blog but with so much competition out there you still don’t know which route to take: niche or…
Blogging is all the rage and chances are that most people who are articulate, well read and have a flair for writing think they can blog and take the plunge in to blogosphere. While some of these people succeed at blogging and even get better at it over a period of time others end up…
As bloggers all of us have good days and bad days. On good days we write really great posts that win rave reviews, attract comments and strike up discussions and debates. On bad days we churn out posts that no one appreciates and more importantly we ourselves think suck. Did I write that? How come…