Sankey Diagrams: What Are They?
Visualization is a huge factor in audience comprehension of your presented material. Whether online or off, you all like images. When it comes to digesting huge amounts of information, you turn to the trusty pie chart. Easy to comprehend and colorful! But in this day and age, there is something even better than pie charts.… (1 comment)

I admit it… I am addicted to Google. Anytime someone asks me a question, I whip out whatever techie gadget I have at the moment and Google it up. I can’t help it….they are like gods of search. Google knows everything. I have learned a few search tips along the way to get exactly what… (2 comments)

Inevitably at the end of a year, predictions for the coming year can be found everywhere. The predominate theme at the end of this 2011 is that mobile ads will dominate in 2012. Mobile Ads Of the world’s population 77% of consumers now have a mobile phone. To reach consumers where they are, ad funded… (1 comment)

Well, the year 2011 is almost at it’s end. For bloggers and websites, that means figuring out what will be of most importance in 2012 with regard to links, rankings and content. This short post includes a video I want you guys to review and give your opinions on. Linkbuilding in 2012; the precepts. Changes… (1 comment)

Hope all who celebrate Thanksgiving are enjoying the moments with their families today.  I just wanted to take a moment to give a bloggers thanks today. 🙂 You have all stuck by this blog through thick and thin and Ivan is doing a wonderful job with it. Not only today, but everyday I am thankful… (0 comment)

It seems the technology world changes overnight. New gadgets, business models and services pop up quickly. If you are like me and sometimes miss an update here or there, I have an solution for you. There is a site on the web that will help you keep up with the latest trends and never miss… (1 comment)

Looking at past history, website sales can be quite lucrative. Imagine if you will, Facebook being sold right now. Huge bucks right? So what if you don’t own a Facebook? How to  sell your website and get a fair price for it? There are a few key components for getting a fair $$ for your… (1 comment)

Many people are still confused as to what a blog actually is. A large percentage of people who use the internet use it mostly for sending and receiving emails, surfing the various web sites, or talking to friends on the social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter. There is much more to the web… (4 comments)