At certain point of your blog’s life journey – as your blog increases in popularity – there will be times that some smart advertisers approach you to place geo-targeted ads on your blog, must probably due to your blog ranking so well on certain region and get considerable blog traffic from that region. Chances are,… (2 comments)
Why did you click on this post? My guess is the headline. Maybe it intrigued you; maybe you thought…yea, right. Whatever your thoughts about it, you clicked it. The headline is the single most important factor in getting your posts read…period. Blog Headlines Now some of you may disagree with that argument. But I say… (2 comments)
Blogging isn’t all about money. However, it is important to take the proper steps to balance cost versus earnings. After all, even if you are in it for the experience, no one is going to say no to more money in their pocket, right? The first step to seeing this happen is cutting down the… (1 comment)
Now that you have started your online business or blog, you need to promote it. Market it rather. This post will showcase 5 ways to market your business online. Online Business Promotion Promoting your business online is a bit different than traditional brick and mortar marketing. Online you have several outlets to market your goods.… (3 comments)
To blog is human, but to blog well is divine. The difference between merely having a blog domain and your blog actually gaining readership and notoriety is like the difference between you making photocopies of your personal manifesto and stapling it to telephone poles to reach the masses rather than it being published by the… (1 comment)
We have said it a million times, the money is in the list. If you have not started building a list with your blog; you are missing out on some great traffic and cash. Installing a Contact Form List building is one of the top ways to get repeat traffic and to make some great… (2 comments)
“I am visiting London, UK,” “I am going to buy that new Porche!” and such no longer impress your Twitter followers and your other social network. I think this is also relevant to blogs, as well. I have just read an interesting share by Morgan Abbou on Google+ about the impact of talking about yourself… (5 comments)
You are ready to take the plunge in to blogosphere, raring to go with oodles of enthusiasm and lots of ideas? You know you have a lot to offer your readers and are about to launch your blog but with so much competition out there you still don’t know which route to take: niche or… (4 comments)