Do you blog hard or blog smart?  To enjoy anything, one must not and should never regard it as a chore and this applies to blogging too.  So if you blog hard then stop!!!!  You need to start blogging smart!  Smart blogging is an extension of the 80/20 rule wherein 80% of results that you… (1 comment)

Blogging is all the rage and chances are that most people who are articulate, well read and have a flair for writing think they can blog and take the plunge in to blogosphere. While some of these people succeed at blogging and even get better at it over a period of time others end up… (4 comments)

As a business blogger for nearly four months now I have written several blog posts, some good some not so good. Over time I have read and followed some exceptional business blogs. I have also come across some business blogs that have great potential but lack that all important something, others that are completely off… (4 comments)