On the US Independence Day, Matt Mullenweg and the WordPress team announce the release of WordPress 3.2 – a.k.a. “Gershwin.” Why is it so special so it deserves a mention on The Friendly Blogger? After upgrading to WordPress 3.2 on this blog (and also some of my blogs) I notice one thing that is an…
I know you are thinking right now that I am nuts, however, we have already established that fact! 🙂 Why would you want to check your spam box? I mean, that’s what your anti-spam plug in is for. To grab all that nasty spam and keep away from your eyeballs, right? Well, technically yes. However,…
Blogging is all the rage and chances are that most people who are articulate, well read and have a flair for writing think they can blog and take the plunge in to blogosphere. While some of these people succeed at blogging and even get better at it over a period of time others end up…
Most blogs have it – you know, the letter “c” with a circle on it – of the blogs’ footer section. We have it, too – “Copyright © 2009-2011 The Friendly Blogger. All Rights Reserved.” If you neglect the copyright notice, I recommend you to add it into your blog’s footer, for some reasons. Well,…
There are times in your blogging days that you can’t blog as often as before for some reasons: Busy with your day job, having kids to take care, or simply want to take a break once and a while. If you experience such situation, you might want to consider hiring a ghost blogger. Who is…
Guest posting is a slightly controversial subject in the blog world. Most people will agree that there are some great reasons to hire on an occasional writer for your site. But others prefer to keep everything ‘in-house’, and so refuse to allow anyone to blog for them if they are not permanent members of staff.…
As bloggers all of us have good days and bad days. On good days we write really great posts that win rave reviews, attract comments and strike up discussions and debates. On bad days we churn out posts that no one appreciates and more importantly we ourselves think suck. Did I write that? How come…
When I think about riffs, I think about Eric Clapton shredding up the stage with some sweet riffs on “Layla.” 🙂 I don’t usually think of blog riffing. So what is this thing I speak of you ask? Well, let me explain! Seeing as most bloggers goal is to drive traffic to their blogs, you…