Ever visit a blog that utilizes AdSense advertising and see some wacko looney ads? Seriously, what AdSense tool are they using?!  I’m talking specifically about blogs that have reputations, not blogs set up solely for ads.  I mean, you pop over to a link building blog and right there on the sidebar, for all the… (32 comments)

So here’s the thing. Blogging sucks the life out of you sometimes. Now, don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m blabbering about. Researching topics, keywords, reader interest…golly gee Beaver, that’ s a lot of work. 🙂 I like Wally and the Beav. Anyways, my point? This work can burn you out. Snuff you out just… (22 comments)

So I don’t have some big research project here nor do I have anything to back up what I’m about to say. Is that like committing a blog crime? If so, sue me…or jail me…or ticket me…whatever you feel! 😉 Blog SEO Tasks I received a comment on my last article pertaining to blog SEO… (31 comments)

I realized the other day that it’s been awhile since I addressed link building here. So, off I went into the wilderness with my fishing pole and pork& beans to search for a tip. A tip worthy to present to you that hasn’t been beat to death already. I wanted an untapped opportunity to bring… (30 comments)

So it goes something like this. A few years back I had a personal blog on a now defunct blogging platform. I discussed anything and everything, especially things I noticed on a daily basis. I talked about my cat and the weather. But never, anywhere in this blog did I mention “rainbow poop.” Ever. So… (43 comments)