How You Lost 20% Of Your Conversions
I have talked about this before, but alas, I will say it again. Converting traffic is not just a sale. A conversion is whatever action you want your readers to complete. That can range anywhere from buying something, opting in to your list to receive free content, answer a question, leave a comment, share, I… (63 comments)

I want to make this post as quick and painless as possible. I know…shocking for me huh?! Today I want to show you how to increase your brand recognition through your RSS feed. In my opinion this is severely under utilized. So listen up. 🙂 What is Brand Recognition This may seem like a dumb… (43 comments)

I’m not going to take up all kinds of time and go over what anchor text is in this post. However, I am going to give you a suggestion with regards to link anchor text and how it relates to building relationships. Holy wow that was a long sentence. 🙂 Link Anchor Text Uhm, I… (39 comments)

My Comment Section Is Smarter Than Yours
Remember that last article you read and how informative it was? Yea, you thought you learned the secret of the Sphinx in that post. But guess what? You can take EVEN more out of every blog post you read. OMG, that last line sounds like a sales pitch! I swear it’s not. And what if… (50 comments)

Are Your Blog Readers Dumb?
If you have your blog or website analyzed, either with a free tool, or a professional, you will see some interesting metrics. You will receive a website grade and one of these measurements is readability level. So what is the optimal reading level for a blog? Meaning, what is the level of schooling one would need to… (42 comments)

For those who have been blogging for awhile now, more than likely have addressed their mobile/tablet users needs. However, for those just starting out, you need to consider how you will optimize your blog for iPad users. Why Optimize For iPads? One only needs to hit any coffee shop and see the amount of people… (27 comments)