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Looking for Ideas to Blog About? Turn to ChangeThis

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ChangeThis free resourcesFinding what to blog is sometimes challenging. There are days when I just sit in front of my laptop with a blank stare – my mind is wandering about the topics to blog about, and without realizing it, I waste a lot of time, just to find something to blog about.

Sure it’s easy to find a topic if your blogging strategy is by visiting Google Trends and choose the hottest topic of the hour and blog about it – especially if your blog is a general topics blog. But if you want to offer more depth in your blog post, you need to do some research.

If you happen to look for ideas for your next blog posts, I recommend you to visit ChangeThis. It is my favorite resource for years – not only to find topics to blog about, but to learn from the experts about any topics, such as leadership, innovation, entrepreneurship, changing your mindsets, etc.

What is ChangeThis?

If you have never heard about ChangeThis, it’s probably because it is buzzed and shared via online communities, not by extensive marketing efforts.

And here’s the great thing with ChangeThis: It’s free! Sure there is an online book store, but the “manifestos” (according to ChangeThis: “That’s what we call one of our PDF files. It’s an argument, a reasoned, rational call to action, supported by logic and facts”) can be accesses free of charge, and you can share them with your friends and colleagues.

Visiting ChangeThis, you probably won’t instantly get the topic to blog on. Instead, reading the ideas will help you gain insights and get the list of topics you are interested in.

Blogging-wise, I do have some recommendations, such as Women Bloggers: Changing Their Worlds, Changing the World by Elisa Camahort (a co-founder of BlogHer.com – a community of women bloggers) and this most recent manifesto on blogging, The Micropreneur Manifesto: How to Stay Solo, Bleed Passion, and Build Products that Matter by Rob Walling.

Again, just visit ChangeThis to browse manifestos and see whether you have ideas interest you; do let me know what you think of them.

Comments (6)

  • I knew about Google Trends, but thanks for this new resource as I am always looking for additional topics for some of my sites. I’ll have to check it out…..

    • Cheers, Sario!

      ChangeThis actually contains great free resources we can get inspiration from. Google Trends is a great tool, too – but only if you have a general blog, IMO.

  • Hi Ivan, as I mentioned before, I have bought some websites. I am thinking about starting some blogs though as well. You mentioned that you support your family from your web biz. That is my goal. Would you have any ideas or suggestions on how to acheive this goal? Thanks!!

    • Welcome back, Dale – appreciate your visit 🙂

      I do have plenty of suggestions based on my experience, but I would like to share the most important of all: You need to have the right mindset.

      Online business/web property investing is NOT EASY. If you get “Make 10,000 a month easy” message, trust me – it’s probably easy for the Internet marketers (they are making their $$$ probably by selling the guides!) but certainly not easy for you and me. Sure, making $100/month is relatively easy – but 4-digit income and upward is a different thing.

      You definitely need to find what works for you. The best way is to “fail fast” – the earlier and the more you fail, the better your chance to find what works. In other words, don’t be afraid to fail! Failures are your best friends! Be resilient!

      Make money online blogging – blogs are notoriously difficult to monetize – therefore many consider blogs as vehicles to promote their real business. But I do believe that blogs in themselves can make money via ad placements and reviews. The best way is to build a great community like Lisa’s – the previous owner of The Friendly Blogger – did.

      You can read more tips on my blog post in another blog of mine: Webpreneurship Tips: Dream Big, Start Small, Start Now and Start Right

      I hope this helps!


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