LinkedIn has been around just a short 8 years. In that time, it has made great strides for employment networking, lead generation and even traffic generation. Now, a recent poll by Entrepreneur magazine shows you exactly what people think of LinkedIn. The poll was titled, how can LinkedIn help your business? Below are some of the top responses.
How Can LinkedIn Help Your Business?
What this poll discovered is that some people are still getting the hang of it, and some are just not fans at all. Check out the responses from users below and weigh in yourself in the comments.
ASH MARKETING– “I mainly use LinkedIn for networking, but I’ve joined more discussions and groups lately to share thoughts and ideas.”
WENDY TAYLOR-HILL— “I share information and network.”
HASEEB TARIQ— ” I still haven’t figured out it’s true powers”
KELLY RUS— ” Because my business is based on junk hauling, I got connected with realtors for foreclosure cleanouts.”
ROD APPLE—“I use it to sourxw supply-chain candidates for recruiting”
BRIAN REAGAN— “I don’t.”
YESTERYEAR SOAP COMPANY-–“It’s a must!(or so everyone tells me)
DAVE MCLEAN—“LinkedIn sucks”
So, looking at this last comment, “LinkedIn sucks,” is this indicative of lack of knowledge or user interface issues?
Is LinkedIn too difficult to navigate or figure out? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
LinkedIn has become more important in my mind since SEO just started evolving to include social media platforms and channels. Also, having a LinkedIn account in order to represent your business seems essential to me if you are part of the business world and want to show that you are social media savvy. Each social platform has its pros and cons. LinkedIn’s strength is its operation as a business profile for individuals online—and therefore a link to that individual’s business.
well said Jen! I think you make a great point about seo in social media.
Hey thanx. Are you on Twitter BTW? I can’t seem to find your handle…
Linked has been more popular today. And, it has an lot of advantages too 🙂 Great effort on here.
Hi-In my opinion a byproduct of LinkedIn is that I maintain an online email address book for my professional contacts. But, concerned that “free” services one by one will become paid for services.
I like it…it does bring me more traffic!