This topic has been addressed repeatedly, I know. However, I have not thrown my two cents in on the issue and you know me, I have to blab.
Recently, I have been inundated with these subject lines for emails: “RE: blah, blah, blah” or “Your Check is Ready.” Do you think I am an idiot? Stop Lying to me!
Now, I realize I can forget things at times, I’m busy..ok not real busy, but somewhat busy. I do know one thing, I keep pretty good record of emails I send and what ventures I am involved in. I am well aware of emails I am waiting for a response too and I most certainly know if I have made some money somewhere.
Do you think I don’t know if I sent you an email or do you just not care all that much about your email marketing reputation? I understand you may have 12 gazillion subscribers and most may not notice, but I do. So if there is a chance that I could be interested in something you are offering, why would you go about it this way? Internet Marketing is a tough business and unethical people abound in this venue. And as far as I am concerned, deceptive subject lines for emails are unethical.
I don’t proclaim to be an expert but I could be a customer. and nothing will make me unsubscribe from you faster than a false subject line. You tell me my check is ready, I open the email and I get a sales pitch about how to make 42 million dollars by Friday! Really? Where’s my check? I want my money!
When this happens, I politely scroll down to the unsubscribe link and remove my name. This practice is not fair to the honest, ethical people trying to market themselves in this virtual neighborhood. This is just a small piece of the “I don’t trust anyone online” puzzle. It makes it 10x more difficult for the honest individuals to get through.
The only time I can see using RE: when I didn’t email you first, is when I first sign up and you are sending me whatever it is I signed up for. Such as “RE: Your First Newsletter.” Make sense?
All I ask is to not insult my intelligence in your marketing campaign. Too many people, including me, have bought into the hype and schemes in the past. I have learned from my mistakes and now recognize the unethical behaviors. Contrary to some, you really can succeed honestly and ethically. Might it take a little longer? Maybe. But in the end, you can say you did it the right way and with integrity.
Now where’s my check????
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Может, моё старание всё же не обращать на это внимания – результат фильмов о дружбе, любви, коие я посмотрела в детстве? Как-то из детства я вынесла то, что нужно ко всем относиться хорошо. А моё плохое всё время вырывается наружу!!! Может, это как внешность – передаётся по наследству и безрезультатно с этим бороться?|В общем ресницы и коротенькие и реденькие не загибаются. Сколько тушей не перепробовала – особо ничего не впечатляло. Может кто-нибудь что-нибудь подскажет из новинок (а может и из больше старых моделей) для таких проблемных ресниц.|Посетила нас такая беда. Брата мужа проститутка обвиняет в изнасиловании. Брат уже сидит с изоляторе. Наняли неплохого адвоката, но не можем взять в толк хорошо он работает или же нет=(
thanks for the kind words and for visiting! I agree that they need to recognize this! I would think their unsubscribe rates would be a clue!!
Hi Lisa, this is the first time I am visiting and I must say you're doing a wonderful job. Well, regarding the article, these days there are plenty of spammers using their email list just for the sake of promotion. They don't even care about their readers and subscribers too. Its really unfortunate but unless they recognize and stop doing this, we can't do anything about it.
I couldn't agree more Chris! I think I am becoming the SPAM police!!
Anytime I see something like that, I delete it. SPAM! But there are plenty of careless, gullible people out there who fall for this sort of thing all the time. It's unfortunate.